Friday, December 6, 2013

Cooooooold Weather

What do mountain folks do when it is too cold to play outdoors (7 degrees) and avoid cabin fever?

They go to Salto, a coffee shop, with their knitting and other crafts, have lunch and work on their projects for a couple hours. There is lively conversation and helping hands when you aren't sure what to do next. Since I haven't knitted since Alice came along, I brought beading. Strange to be limited with my beads because I picked s few colors in advance and left the rest home.

There were some great knitting projects and next week there will be more beading since a few friends want to shorten some necklaces they have.

The idea for this actually came from Louise who spent last year in Denmark and was part of a group there. That's how the Danes get through their long, dank winters.

Molly is showing her afghan for her brand new grandson Odin to Lisa. 

Some of the projects.

Louise and Molly

Christy, Molly and Lisa in Salto.

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