Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Time is a Gift

A crow sculpture Bernie made for us is capturing the afternoon light.

A friend recently said that "All the time we have is a gift". Something one doesn't give much thought to when all is going along "as normal" but it does make you stop and think when you have been confronted with a door closing. John and I both have cancer and are appreciating our time now more than before.

Someone asked me about my prognosis yesterday and I shared my latest thinking on it with them. When I was diagnosed with stage IV I was told I would probably have a year or two left. That was a bit of a shocker. In the past year I have been thinking about it and questioned doctors about the statistics of smokers and non smokers. It turns out that there are no numbers broken out - we are all lumped together. That got me thinking about the condition of a smoker's body and an athletic non-smokers body and think my chances for more time are much better. I don't need to listen to those numbers because they aren't about me!

Next Thursday will be my second "birthday". Two years since I was hit and discovered the dreaded cancer was in my body. We no longer celebrate June 27 or Thanksgiving day but it is November 21. This year there is going to be a big celebration - all our kids (plus) will be here for dinner. Luckily the guest list includes two chefs!

Teague, Meagan and Alice arrive on Monday, Tanner and Nathan (Teague's best friend from CA) arrive Tuesday, Tucker will be down around that time, Jay, Carrie, Ty and Carson along with my nephew Tim and his partner Todd will all be here for dinner on Thursday. Can you say bursting at the seams? We shall see how Roscoe is with little kids and a house full of people. I have a feeling he will have a ball and get too spoiled.

So my message is I am trying hard to consider each day a gift and make it the best in all ways. Hope you do too!


  1. "Happy Birthday" to You!
    May you enjoy today and many many more beyond!!


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