Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Can we say no news is good news? I have been doing well ('kept for the tiredness) and am awaiting my next PT scan in early December. There is always tension going into them - what are they going to say this time????

I have been busy with Roscoe (not sure I mentioned his name in the last blog) and painting.

Hairball has been a bit of a challenge for me. He loves to run and I love to see him run but not when I have him out and he is leaving me in the dust. He did that yesterday and I had to fetch him at our neighbors in the car. I just can't go fast never mind run anymore. 

Our pattern had been, Mick takes him out during the night, I do the morning walk and Mick does the afternoon. He seems to listen much better to Mick now and he has a ton of energy in the morning so we are going to try switching things up. He was acting very strange yesterday afternoon, sniffing the air and wanting to go west. I discovered why this morning - the elk were back. I am so glad he didn't see them because I didn't have him on leash for his morning pee. He is now very friendly and warms up to visitors quickly. A neighbor came over the other afternoon with his dog so they could play but  unfortunately Roscoe and Mick were already out walking. We have friends coming over Sunday with their dog and we'll see how they play. 

These are two paintings I finished yesterday. The plan for them is the top of the stairs. I have been struggling to find things that would fit there and finally decided to paint something. I might have a smidge more work on the right one but basically they are done. It has been fun to work that large. The small one is 1x2' and the larger one is 2x4'. I bought 5 2x4' canvases to get the discount price so now I have to fill them. I'm looking forward to it and last night I was painting the next one in my sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see this in person. It's gorgeous in just this little micro-size, I can only image it in its full expanse. Isn't it interesting to work in your sleep? I had a failed encaustic experiment that I worked on for hours in my dreams. I had all kinds of great ideas on how to fix it, but when I woke none of them remained.


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