Thursday, October 17, 2013

Open Studios

It was quite an event, starting with the floods. When we realized no body was going to travel over an hour from Boulder to visit us, Vivian got in contact with OpenArts about our options. A vacant space was found in Boulder for the five Magnolia artists. Eventually we were joined by two other mountain artists and two more who were flooded out. Turns out it was great space and I felt we had plenty of room.

The traffic was a million times more than we have ever had in the mountains altho the veterans felt sales were down. I guess that really isn't surprising considering what the area has been going through between the flooding and the government shutdown (there are a lot of government employees in the area). 

Because of the commute, I stayed with our friends Rosa and Roy in Boulder the first weekend. They were wonderful hosts - comfy bed, good food and great company! Roy was also an exhibiter in OS. 

I sold many necklaces again plus one firm painting, one I'm waiting for a deposit for and one "I'll get back to you but I really love it".

The two shots above are of my booth.

John, in the white shirt, is explaining his art to a visitor.
Avery, in the dark jacket, is a great art supporter and helper outer!

The view as you walked in the door. Some of David's photography on the column and divider to the left.

Chris's sculpture is to the right but not well photographed. They are delicate and kinetic

Two of Vivian's visitors are studying details with her.

Jason is contemplating his masterpiece.

Martha, pay attention. Jason is looking for a new subject to paint and I think you may lose your flowers (the ones on the table not on the wall).

Rich is patiently waiting for his audience.

Steven is visiting with some guests.

From the back of the room. 
 Sorry I didn't get shots of David and Chris's booths.
And that is what has kept my out of communication for the past few weeks. Next I'll show you the Taos workshop.

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