Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Wedding

On September 8, 2013, Teague, Meagan and Alice became TeagueMeaganAlice and are living happily ever after! Such a fun time.

Queen Alice, waiting to go.

Daddy, I think she is getting a bit too tall.

No feeding wedding cake but hot a dog!

Is it a Saugy?

Just love some of those faces Meags!

The men with mom and dad.

Meags parents along with Uncle Greg and Katie (the boys sister, her friend and Tucker.

Another cutie face.

My "boys"

My left foot!

Tucker, Sara Michel Campbell and Mick.

All the Josephs 

Sara's husband Robert is holding the queen.

On the pedestal

I don't know....

Teague and Robert

Uncle Tucker with the queen.

It was a looooong day!

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