Sunday, October 20, 2013

Farmer Mick

As we anticipate our third snow, less than the 5 inches we had Friday, I was busy in the kitchen doing fall type things. I went to the farmer's market yesterday and bought a box of apples. Apple sauce today and maybe a pie tomorrow(I ran out of juice this morning ((my juice not apple))). I really miss New England apple season. There aren't any orchards I know of on this side of the mountains and I don't feel like driving three hours to go pick some so I'll spend the extra to make a few treats.

Mick had a fantastic year in the gardens, especially since this is the first real year and it included a lot of experiments. We got 15 pumpkins that are being gifted, eaten and have had their portraits painted. Thanks Anne, for introducing us to Cinderella pumpkins, the color is amazing and I love the shape not to mention the flavor. Almost time for a pumpkin lasagna. 

His other experiment was to put tomatoes in a pot so we could bring them in when it got too cold outside. It was extra work watering them every day all summer but it is such a treat having a yummy fresh tomato in October/November. They love being inside looking at the snow as compared to their dead siblings. 

We are still eating greens he has grown - it has been 6 months so far and the beets are waiting to be dug.

Way to go farmer Mick!!!!

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