Sunday, October 20, 2013

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

and staying a lot longer.

Hint #1 - wrong, it isn't a bear.

Hint # 2, wrong, we aren't opening a pet store.

Hint #3 Right, Roscoe is coming!!!!!
Wednesday evening we are going to Denver to pick him up and we are so excited. He will be on one of two vans bringing 28 dogs to Denver. It is a great transport system (C.A.R.E.) bringing many dogs on death row to Colorado and no kill shelters. He starts his trip in Winding River (?) at 8 a.m and they should arrive around 6-6:30. He is the only dog going "home" all the others are going to other shelters. What a lucky boy he is!

I'm not sure if he has lived in a house before or just in kennels. We will have more training than anticipated if that is the case. If he is as smart as Bob and Marielle have told us the breed is, it should be pretty smooth. (there is a beautiful pair of Stellars Jays at the feeder right now).

Here we go on a new adventure!!!!

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