Sunday, May 19, 2013


This is our neighborhood donkey who makes me laugh every time he talks at the top of his lungs.
It's been a while and I figure I'd better post before I get complaints. I've been slow coming out of this infusion but I am feeling better, but still tired, for the next week. Today we have to drop some art off for a show and then go to Denver for Ty's last soccer game. I hope the sun stays out. Tucker might come down with the Mountain Micks for a couple days and we can bring him back up on Wed. when we go up to hear Ty's concert. We have never heard him play the trumpet live except for practicing at home. It will be nice to have a few days with Tuck.

Other family news this week is that Alice's parents are getting married! After 7 years I think they are ready. They have grown so much since becoming parents and they are raising such a happy child they are ready. I'm glad they waited to commit because it seems like they are in a much better place as a couple. No real details yet other than a party in September.

On a less good note, our neighbor Scott, who I spoke of in a past blog (I believe it was spines) has died. He was a very talented artist and a very giving man. I only got to know him recently through the open studios and am sorry we hadn't connected sooner. I am learning how much he was involved in the "neighborhood".

I spent yesterday trying to revive the artist in me. I wanted to paint but tired out quickly and spent time preparing to enter some exhibits. They all seem to fall in the summer and autumn and overlap can be a problem so planning is important. There is one I have been trying to get into since I've been here and hope to do one more painting to submit into that. It is the Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Show. I sure hope I can produce something next week since the deadline is 5/31. There is the Colorado Watercolor Society member show, The miniature show and one in Boulder not to mention the Nederland Community Center. Lots to do and I hope I can make it into some.

I have been getting better at my meditation and mindfulness the past week or so. I really want to have all that become more natural before I start having pain in my back. We are doing some floating meditation this week at a center in my neighborhood. I knew Greg did massage but I have just learned that he has this aquatic center and a pool he does Watsu massage in. I'm looking forward to this new experience.

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