Sunday, May 5, 2013

Post Chemo

Oh how I miss my strong, active, healthy life I once lived. 

Slippers and jammies are the style here, at least the first few days after chemo and it is getting warm enough for morning coffee on the deck, snow and all! The reality of my future is hitting now. Jenny wants to continue with the full chemo because it "might" be working. The scans were inconclusive because they really can't see or measure what is happening within the bones. Some of the areas look more active but no one knows if it is cancer or bone healing. So the story looks like it will be chemo, trashed, slow recovery to the point of beginning to feel like doing things again and then zap right back to the start again - every three weeks for as long as it is working. I don't have any information on the trial drugs but I am assuming it is going to have a similar effect on me. I do what I can when I can but those days when I really could DO things are something I miss. I have always been so healthy and this is such a life style change for me.

Drink more coffee and wine on the west deck in the evening and keep making vitamin D!

1 comment:

  1. As you know I've been away, and it was good. I remember you were going to be in Portland, and I hope that was a deserved respite for you... I've been catching up on your blog, and thank you for keep it up, despite the crap. It breaks my heart that you have to constantly fight the system, and do what they say, and they don't respond, are in a different space... And, yet, you are finding beauty... love the pictures.
    The pic of you on the deck? Exquisite.
    You are exquisite... The picture we bartered holds a primary place in my nest.


Love to hear what you think about my blogs.