Friday, May 3, 2013

Infusion Day

I have no idea what happened when I took this picture but I love what happened.

Today is the culmination of a week (plus a bit more) of running up and down the hill to get Dr. Bunn the tests he wanted before my infusion.

I mentioned earlier that he wanted a PT scan before today so he could check things. Unfortunately it wasn't as easy as it sounded. I met with Jenny to discuss this and a few other things a week ago and she put in an order for my test and it was scheduled for Tuesday. I got a call on Monday saying insurance wouldn't pay for it because it hadn't been 120 days since my last test. On the phone to Bunn and Jenny.

Next plan was to get a CAT scan and a bone scan. More orders sent. I was able to get the CAT scan later in the day Tuesday and after a number of phone calls to the hospital I was finally able to set up an appt. for the bone scan on Wednesday. Wednesday - snow, lots of snow. It took a while to get down the hill before they did much on the road. Good that I was going slowly because I rounded a corner to find four deer having a party in the middle of the road, on car off in the ditch (she was fine) and another driver going 5 mph max. I left at 7:30 to get there by 8:30 for my radio active injection. Then I had to hang around for 4 hours (had a little physical therapy in the middle) and go back for the scan that took twice as long as usual because the computer wasn't cooperating. I then had to get the CD of the scan and overnight it to Denver so Bunn could read it before today. All this time, someone we know and love was having the first of two powder days. Went to the little post office only to learn that their overnight cut off time had bee 20 min. earlier. So back in the car and get to the main PO where I could still get it off.

Whew, glad that was over-  not. I called Bunn's nurse to find out if she got everything and she hadn't and then told me that I should have used FedEx because they bring overnight things right to her but the postal system didn't and it could take a week to get to her. Waaaaaa, all that for nothing. She called back in the afternoon to tell me they did bring it to her Yea!!!! and Bunn would call me at the end of the day. He never called. I'm assuming that there wasn't anything in the scans that he didn't like and didn't feel the need to call but I am a bit miffed. My whole week revolved around what he needed immediately and he didn't have the courtesy to touch base. Makes me not want to get into the system of that big hospital. I do like his nurse who is a friend of my favorite nurse practitioner here. Stress, do I really need all this extra stress? Back to the meditation class and practice. Like I've said before - things just aren't simple any more.

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