Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Michael Pollen

If you have never read Michael Pollen - you must. He is a good writer about some very important subjects. The first one I read was Botany of Desire which follows the adaptation of four plants - potato, apple, tulip and marijuana from the point of view of the plant. The next one I read was The Omnivore's Dilemma which follows his quest to produce/gather all he needs for a meal. In this book he addresses many ecological issues. His latest is Cooked. He looks at the transformation of "the stuff of nature" into delicious things to eat and drink.

Sorry for the quality - the phone just isn't great.
Have to get a zoom app.
 He is now on his book tour (what a grueling experience that must be) promoting Cooked and he spoke at the Boulder Book Store (which was actually moved to a church, they don't have a pipe organ in the book store) and I gathered enough energy to go. I enjoyed seeing him and look forward to reading his latest. He combines nature, ecology, science and assorted other topics in a very approachable manner. He can open your eyes to some very important subjects, introduce you to some fascinating people and make you hungry. Give him a try.

Since we were on the subject of pipe organs in a book store, I have to share with you pics of my favorite bookstore (even tho they had very few books I could read) in Maastricht, Netherlands. It probably had a pipe organ but now it has books, lots of books in the most fabulous setting. It still feels very much like a church, they adapted it for their purpose without destroying the original function. Take a look.

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