Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hummmmmm, thought this had been posted in a timely manner - not. Sorry

I had an interesting day or two. Teague called me last night, not to catch up with Alice but to share an honor he had just received. His Company named him the employee of the year - after being with them for a year and a half. It includes a trophy and check but he was so happy about the acknowledgement of how hard he has been working. For all you easterners you MUST go check out the restaurant he is now (almost) running by himself. It is in the parking lot of the Moorings, up near the street and it is called the Smoke HOuse Cafe. I just checked out the menu and you all have to go there and tell me if it's as great as it sounds. Usually when I look at a menu I might see a few things I'd like to try but I want to try it all with this menu. Hope we get some samples in Costa Rica.

Check out the menu at 


1 comment:

  1. Love that in the photo he is making tiny grilled cheeses for the little people in our lives! We are so very proud of Teague! Xoxo


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