Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I saw an interesting lesson today of "train the human so she can get the horse to do what she wants it to do".

Unfortunately this is a horse of a different color - my camera wasn't cooperating yesterday.
My neighbor friends Maryann and Jennifer invited me to watch their classes today and I am impressed , more than ever, how smart horses are. The leader was so impressive with how she read the horses and picked up so many cues from them, then taught Mariann and Jennifer how to read them and how to move to get their horse to perform. One of the maneuvers was getting it to walk backwards (they don't like this at all) with a little wiggle of their finger. When the horse didn't do it, the lead was shaken and they really didn't like that. When they responded properly, trainer and horse broke eye contact and stood with their heads down for a moment so they could digest what they did right. Eventually there was no lead wiggles and he would just back up. I wish I had the energy to watch Jennifer do some training while she was riding.

But there is no escaping it. Chemo crap seems to catch up with me no matter what. I had my infusion Friday, went to the festival on Saturday, had a quiet but "feel good day" on Sunday and most of Monday was great and I was getting a bit cocky. I started getting tired in the afternoon but didn't lay down because some neighbors were stopping by. We had a great visit (more on that another day) and after they left I had a bit of dinner and was in bed by 6:00. I slept for 12 hours that night. I felt OK to watch the training session, so I joined them for 2 1/2 hours and then came home and slept for another three hours. Meanwhile my belly wasn't too happy having food tossed into it. Today, I really debated about going to physical therapy and decided I could do it even tho I was feeling wobbly. I did make it through but sat down at one point cause I needed to rest. Just as Jo walked by I said "I'm learning not to push through but to listen to my body more often". She could believe she heard those words coming out of my mouth.
We did a couple errands returned home and I was back in bed for another couple hours. And to think I was going to make it without feeling bad....

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