Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Hood

Lots going on in the neighborhood in a 24 hour period.

For me, the most exciting thing was my first bear sighting! Pete (neighbor to the west) called to say there was a bear crossing the meadow, and sure enough it was. She/he looked pretty big from the distance and seemed to be limping. I'm sorry I couldn't get any better pictures but look for the very black spot in these and you see it. Sorta like hide and seek.

I had lunch in Ned with a group of friends and that is always good for my soul tho my body was telling me to rest but chances like that always win out. I also dropped off my art at the Community Center for a new show - I basically missed the last two shows. I also saw four late elk on my way home. Yes, it has been cold and snowy the past couple days but you guys are supposed to be higher now!

As I drove past the Scates Ranch, I saw a lot of cars and trucks parked out there. NOT GOOD. Let me explain a bit about this area. The ranch is a beautiful, historic piece of property. The Scates were some of the original settlers in the area, who owned acres and acres of land up here (including ours). This property and homestead was purchased by a developer from Boulder about 4 years ago and they have been trying to turn it into a commercial property ever since. They couldn't handle living here, weren't able to develop it and now they are trying to turn it into an events venue.

The neighbors are fighting tooth and nail. The risks are too great - noise, trucks and guests who have been drinking trying to navigate Magnolia, extra traffic, wildlife disruption, ruining some rare native plants that grow in the area, fire danger - cars, heaters, smokers, tents in this wind, etc. When I went by yesterday afternoon, I saw something was going on and they haven't gotten permission to hold events on the property. It turns out a film crew has rented it for three days. "Dear Eleanor" if the name of the film and is being shot all around the area. Stadium type lighting at midnight - REALLY?

Today the fun starts because the cattle arrive! They are going to be so much happier this year because the grass is lush and green. I love getting up in the morning and looking for them out in the meadow. Don has been getting the fencing ready for them all week and this year I want to be down there for the full unloading. I'll try to get some interesting pictures of it.

Tomorrow I am doing a full day meditation retreat! ALL DAY, SILENCE???? It will be interesting. Out neighbor Tory is leading this event and it is a perfect opportunity to see her in action and hopefully have a restorative day.

Mick just left to do a ditch walk with a friend. They have to check the ditches, make sure they are clear and have the best opportunity to keep the water going all summer.

What an amazing neighborhood we live in!

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