Saturday, May 25, 2013

Appearances Lie Sometimes

"You look so good". 

This is a comment I hear ALL the time. I finally fest up to some friends (I trust) that I hate hearing this. I don't feel that good, or as good as I'd like to feel. When I first lost my weight I had to buy new clothes that fit and I went for nice and fun things. I have been dealing with the hair issue (letting it grow out again since it didn't fall out) and I do try to look nice when I go out (at home too, sometimes), I don't want to look like I don't care, cause I do care. I think my presentation is good for my spirit. As I type this out it is looking like it is all my fault!

I did see a woman who had the old baseball cap that is too big for the almost hairless head, was very thin and walking with a cane. Hummm, I don't want to go there either. So I guess I'd better shut up, smile and say thank you. You don't all have to know how I'm feeling on the inside.

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