Friday, May 24, 2013

Art Tales

Well, the first responses for exhibiting are coming in. One piece in the Central City show and I got into the Boulder County Open Studios again this year. I really wanted to do one more piece for the Rocky Mountain Watermedia Show but unless this infusion goes very well, I don't think I'll get to it. I really hope they accept one I have done but we shall see.

We had some nice family time on Wednesday, up in Summit County. Dinner with Tuck, then we went to Ty's final concert in Middle School and then some birthday cake for Jason. The cake progression was funny. I planned to make the whole thing from scratch but knew I was going to get really tired starting the day with PT at 9 so I decided I'd get a box cake and do the rest from scratch. By 11 I decided maybe I could just go to Whole Foods and buy a cake - which I did. It's the thought that counts, right?

One other family note is a wedding in RI on September 8 and we are going to have to babysit that night. Oh, what a chore!

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