Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Yes, we need the moisture but it has been a challenge getting down the hill for appointments. We have had storms of a foot or more every week for the past three weeks. Welcome to spring in the Rockies! Mick was pumping gas yesterday and I got fascinated by the snow clumps and flakes sliding down the windshield. I shot a few with my phone and then a red car came along - that was it! The house across the street is actually very colorful but it got lost in the gray of the day.

I saw the glaucoma specialist yesterday and we got some more information about eye pressure and the steroids they give me with chemo may cause it to spike so I am on the quest for another anti-nausea drug. 

It seems like I have a much more miserable reaction to the bone drugs they give me than the chemo. This time it was a 24 hour headache. I am so glad I didn't get migraines from my mom.  This was added to the tail end of the tooth ache. Got through all that and now it is tiredness. I have been sleeping 10-12 hours a night AND napping again during the day. I'm just a barrel of fun.

These? I would consider these fair weather wheels in these parts but some folks still ride their bikes in the snow. My neighbor rode hers every day last year. She has a great bike from Alaska - It has to go in snow up there, I guess.

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