Friday, April 19, 2013

Chemo Brain Strikes Again

Yes, awake since 4 am so we could get to the airport for our 8:59 flight to Portland and a long weekend with Tanner and Jacque. We got to Boulder, parked the car and had perfect timing  to get the bus to DIA. No snags through security and plenty time to get to the gate. Little did we know how much time we had. The gate had a flight to Fargo. Fargo? Fargo.... Well, we immediately went to the desk and asked where the Portland flight was moved to. You must mean the 8:10 flight that just left. Oh no, the 8:59 flight. Hummmm, would that be the 8:59 pm flight? Oh no, we are going this morning - not.

My favorite sculpture in Denver.

Someone jumped on the cheap flight and  never checked the time of day. I should have looked closer last night when they wouldn't let me check in because it wasn't 24 hours before departure. Boy is that airline screwed up - not. Tis me, I fear.

These guys are checking out the scenery from the museum bridge.

OK, we said, what will we do for the next 12 hours!!! Mick didn't want to go anywhere and I wanted to go to the DAM (Denver Art Museum) to catch the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit so Mick stayed with our carry-ons and I found my way around Denver's mass transit and walked. The show was worth the excursion but the big issue was I was wearing my sister's cowboy boots. Oh my poor feet. They have had a good life for the past few years with shoes that were very comfortable and not fashionable and they look forward to those shoes again.

I made it back, we went out for dinner and now we are waiting for our real flight. Bummer we missed a full day in Portland. "Always check your tickets closely" she says.

1 comment:

  1. Hell of a story, but so glad you feel like blogging again. Happy Portland! Love you.


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