Sunday, April 7, 2013


A little cell
      loses its way
goes astray

The gates of hell
     creak open
stench of sulfurous decay

A teenie tiny bit
     of living matter
A cell

Forgets to die
     takes it upon itself
to multiply

Little cell
     where are you going?
Please stop growing

Like everything born
     both you and I
have our time to die

Don't be a thorn
     in the soul of my life
don't be a knife

in the heart of my life
     Go away
you've had your fun

I've got things to do
     places to see
          races to run

Written by Rick Fields
in the book Fuck You Cancer

He has other pieces that are harsher and much more graphic in this book and he says it so well. Rick, a friend of neighbors, lived five years after he was diagnosed with lung cancer - I hope I can beat him.

Cancer is cells that have gotten out of control and are destroying the normal functions of our bodies. Sneaky little buggers that can go on, out of control. with out letting us know what is happening till it is too late and the big guns have to be pulled out. The horrible chemical baths that kill some of them and also many of our good cells who are trying to do their job. It is such a primitive way to battle this enemy. Granted it is better than it was even ten years ago but it is still nasty. Please science, hurry up and find some better solutions.

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