Sunday, April 28, 2013


Well, this seems to happen during chemo - I just kind of pull into myself and lose interest in the outer world but some of you will probably want an update. This little girl, on the other hand, is only wanting to explore and learn. Look at the determination on her face as she heads for the water, again.

We had a great visit in Portland - some rain, some sun, touring and hanging out. I think I am still recovering form all the energy expended - especially the first day. I'm thinking chemo may have cured my cat allergies. We spent four days with 5 or 6 cats (never could keep track of them) and two dogs and I had NO reaction. I don't recommend it as a cure tho. 

Hugo and Marley playing.

One of the OR weather days. I've been forbidden to tell you about the blue bird days.

If I stay here no body will see me.

It looks like autumn but it is a Japanese Maple coming to life again.
 We were able to have dinner with Becky Patlak Kohles and her family. Becky was my mentor when I was becoming a trainer. She inspired me and I was always in awe with her knowledge. I didn't think I'd ever be able to answer questions like her without a book in my hand to look things up. I was able to eventually and also able to get my ACSM certification.

A fun time was had by all!

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