Sunday, April 28, 2013


Hugo (a dog) vs carrot, the carrot didn't stand a chance. This is my role model for fighting this cancer stuff.

We got home on Tuesday, never got dressed Wednesday and spent a chunk of the day in bed and then did the doctor thing.

We went to Denver to see Dr. Bunn again. He thinks I'll be a shoe in for the trial and I see him in June to probably start on that. In the meantime, he really wanted me to have a scan before my last chemo. He was very strong with this and we don't understand why but... May have something to do with the trial. There were a couple other things he brought up that I wanted to talk to Jenny about so that is what I did Friday. She has agreed with having the scan so that is the plan for Tuesday and everyone will get a peek before my infusion.

I am also off the Zometa (bone strengthening drug) because of my dental issues. Mick has confessed that he never liked me being on it because of the chance of necrosis of the jaw and I never liked the side effects from it, so we're all happy now. I am also cutting back a tiny bit on the Dexamethasone (steroid) because it can cause cause a spike in eye pressure which isn't good for the glaucoma. It is all so complicated now.

I had hoped to try a short bike ride when I was in Boulder - had everything with me but when I mentioned it to Jenny (after I had gotten done telling her how tired I was) we both decided to put it off for another day. Whew - all in one sentence. We also talked a bit about what will happen if I get into and decide to do the trial. Trips to Denver every three weeks for the drugs. And I get tired of Boulder? I will also be leaving all the wonderful folks at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center, especially Jenny. I guess a chance at a longer life will make it worth while.

Thursday we also went to Boulder Community Hospital - as a visitor not a patient. That is a first. Our friend Dick (mentioned in an earlier blog) had a spinal fusion last week and is finally out of horrible pain. He has lots of work to do to get back to a healthy mobile guy but he looked great and with lots of support and guidance I'm sure he will hike again.

I'm now getting ready for a full medical week. Every day is in Boulder - Monday, finish root canal, Tuesday PT scan, Wednesday Physical therapy, Thursday, meditation group and Friday, infusion. I'm getting tired just typing it.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see your blogs, have the update, joy from Alice and your pictures (but i want to know about the blue bird days!) Thinking of you always


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