Friday, April 5, 2013

Soup Please

An evening past time with an invisible body.

Well, I spent three and a half hours in the dentist'd chair yesterday - three of them with my mouth WIDE open. Mick sure did a great job shoring up the tooth a million years ago when he did the first endo, post and crown because Stephen had a bitch of a time getting all of it out. He put some drugs in the hole and a temporary filling. I will go back in three weeks for the final work which he promises won't be so bad. He was quite determined to make this work but said if it wasn't for my situation the tooth would be extracted - that is the last thing we want. That would only open the door for more infection - who knows where. It is pretty uncomfortable at the moment but "they" say it will improve. Sure hope "they" aren't lying.

We had a great book club last night, too. At one point everyone was discussing a friend who had died last week after a ski accident. This woman had MS and didn't follow up at the hospital so her case got very complex and in the end they took her off life support. I quietly sat there listening and suddenly it got very hard to listen to - details of another's recent death are hard for me to listen to. I was very surprised and eventually the topic changed and I didn't fall apart!

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