Thursday, March 21, 2013


One of Mick's great captures.

This chemo sure knocks the stuffing out of me. I crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head every day. Mick checks my eyes every morning and declares they are brighter - I'm not sure if it is wishful thinking on his part or if he is trying to give me an extra boost. Personally, I think it is the coffee and as soon as the caffeine wears off I go into a slump. Don and Dinah are here for a visit this week and it is hard to stay the hostess with the mostest. I sent them all off skiing today and have rested and napped since they left at 10. I feel like it is morning again at 3:00. I hate serving leftovers to guests but I made a big pot roast yesterday and we have a whole meal leftover, so...

We are heading up to Frisco for a few days of playing and I really hope I am up to doing a little skiing with them but I sure hate to get a lift ticket for a few runs (if I can even do that). Lots of snow up there and many road closures today. There is a great road alert program here from CDOT (Colorado Department of Transportation). You can get email alerts sent to you in areas that you might travel in regularly, notifying you about construction and closures, etc.

Well, guess I'm off for the event of the day - walk to the mailbox and back.

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