Monday, March 25, 2013

If I Only Had a Brain

How many things can one person lose in a day???

The answer is A LOT. My brain just isn't working well right now. I will be aware of what I do with something up to a point or something will be missing and I go on a search and can't find it. It turns out it is in a very obvious place that I either skip over or just don't see it when I'm searching. - hat 3 times, phone, glasses, camera etc. Do NOT leave me in charge of anything right now, it could be fatal.

I'm hanging out in the lodge at Winter Park at the moment while, Don, Dinah and Mick freeze their little butts of on the slopes. I decided the few hours I skied Friday at Copper were enough. I walked around Frisco a bit yesterday and wound up with rubber legs and a very weak feeling then I climbed three flights of stairs here and had to stop and catch my breath twice on the way up. I really hate feeling so debilitated.

               and my
                        camera is

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