Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day

We went to a fun concert in the library yesterday to celebrate Irish music and the  "wearing of the green". Our friend Billy Ikler, a gifted silversmith and musician, was the leader of the pack (to the left of the window) with great toe  tapping tunes. If you look closer to the walls you will also see my art work, which has been on exhibit there since January.

Sorry for the focus (or lack of), but I wanted to show a bit of the heel kicking that we had, too.

On another note, SPRING is here. We saw two bluebirds when we were leaving for the concert and the redwing blackbirds are singing on the deck right now. All of a sudden there are a ton of birds again. All that (along with baking two batches of cookies) must have been too much for me because we came home, had dinner and I slept for 12 hours and didn't really want to move this morning!

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