Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jersey Girl (even tho I try to talk normal)

The hair wasn't big yet but can you find me?

One of my Jersey friends sent this to me a few years ago and it is always fun to revisit. I've added a few comments of my own in red but this is for all you Jersey girls who read this and those of you who are jealous 'cause you aren't.


I have big hair (but thinner and maybe LOTS thinner soon) and oversized sunglasses (for sure) but no diamonds and the frame guy encouraged me to get.

I spend my weekends at the mall in Ned???,
My summers down the shore what shore,
And late nights in a diner with a plate of cheese cake.

I know which exits are which and that there are no decent beaches north of 100.

I have Sinatra on my I-pod and
I think Springstein still looks hot.
I spent prom weekend in Seaside and many a summer on LBI.
I know the mob isn't just on the Sopranos.
I definitely don't pump my own gas.
I think if you talk bad about our state you should get the hell off our beaches again what beaches.
I know better then to drive through Camden, and that there are nice areas of Elizabeth.
I know what good pizza is and what good bagels taste like and so miss them.
I eat Boardwalk fries, Jersey tomatoes, and taylor ham on a hard roll. (yum, double yum if it is a good hard roll!)
I've been on every coaster at 6 Flags (what’s Six Flags? Yea, I’m old).
I speak my mind and don't care what people think. I'll try anything once, twice if I like it.
I know how to have a good time.

I know that sometimes a kiss is just a kiss, But sometimes it's so much more.
When I fall, I fall hard, But I can bounce back just as quick.

I drive too fast (in my Prius, that means the speed limit), I drink too much not.
I play my stereo too loud Don't we call them IPods now?,
I love to feel the wind in my hair and the sand between my toes..

I know there's no place on Earth quite like Jersey. And that no matter where life takes me,
This will always be home.

A good news addendum to yesterday's post is that Dick's PT scan showed no activity - no cancer (altho it wasn't accurate in my case). He will be having a spinal fusion to relieve all the pain he is in.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!

    No matter where we live, we're still Jersey Girls at heart...and that ain't so bad!

    Oh, how I miss the Jersey tomatoes, blueberries, fries & gravy, Italian hot dogs, sausage & peppers, hard rolls, bagels, pizza, you can guess I have a lot of good food memories!

    Stay Strong and Carry On!
    M A


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