Friday, March 15, 2013

Spines (not an easy post)

It isn't a spine but a wonderful icicle outside our window.

I have made friends with two men from Nederland who also have metastatic cancer in their spines. We each have different issues and treatment plans. 

Dave's has metastasized from his prostate to his spine. He has had some chemo for the  prostate and recent radiation but is off treatment now. He feels he has lived a very full life and wants the remaining time to be "healthy" not dealing with side effects. Dave has been the official MC for town events in Ned and loves his volunteer work at the Carousel of Happiness.

Scott's is a rare form of cancer ( I don't remember what exactly) but he has tumors growing around his spine and compressing on his spinal cord and causing intense pain. He has had to move out of his wonderful house up here and go to Boulder to be closer to friends and medical care. So sad to see him go and have to leave the beautiful physical work he has been producing.
He is now mentoring a fine art student in CU.

When we were leaving the Cancer Center yesterday we saw other friends. Dick has just had a PT scan. He had back surgery last month and it was discovered that he has three lesions on his spine. I don't think they have absolutely said it was cancer yet but that is what they are checking for along with looking for a primary site. No links for this great man who has given so much to so many people, especially love to his wife Diane, his children and step children. Right now they are in the awful waiting game, knowing something is very wrong but not knowing what the future holds. Nothing to do yet but wait.

Add all this to hearing our wonderful ranching neighbor Don has recently been diagnosed with leukemia and our impressive biker,wildlife filmer and dog lover is being checked with thyroid cancer. I am really bummed. What is it about this disease? Is it just running rampant? We have all lived very different lives in different places and have different cancers. Why??? I was never aware of the extent of it in the east (except for the 4 members of my book group who all had breast cancer) and our dear friend's son Jon. A place where there are many more pollutants and environmental factors. Here, where most of these people have lived for many years and love the outdoor and mountains and rivers, you'd thing that everything is clean.

Oh yes, then there is Phyllis, a fellow artist who died a couple weeks ago from and inoperable brain tumor.

So many questions and so much pain, physical and mental. Please send strength to Nederland and those of us whose lives have been changed so much but are still living as best we can.

1 comment:

  1. Added to the awww heck list is my dog "General Lee" has hemangiosarcoma a fast developing cancer that hits the liver, lungs and heart. They cut out the two baseball tumors on his spleen and then had his first round of chemo and he is now acting like "The General" once again. Enjoying every spring day with him! No sense just love. - Bob


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