Sunday, March 3, 2013


The energy still keeps coming.

Thursday I skied again, this time with Mick and Tucker. The hill was very scoured by the wind, "Welcome to Windora where eastern skiing comes to the west". Locals do not like these conditions neither did I. Does that make me a local? I found it too challenging to tele so I was doing mostly alpine turns. Mick said a number of times that he has NEVER seen me ski so well. I don't know how much longer I have to really get good at this stuff so...

Friday, Tuck and I went to Boulder for an appointment with Jenny and errands. That lasted all afternoon. Yesterday, even tho it was such a beautiful day, I spent it in the kitchen. I cleaned and reorganized the pantry, baked 4 loaves of bread

Dough waiting for the salt and oil to be stirred in.

made a big pan of kibbee (a Lebanese meatloaf sort of thing) and two loads of wash. I got a call from my friend Christy inviting us to join some friend at the nordic center for a morning ski. I passed because the trails are all up and down and I really didn't think I had the lungs to do it.

When I got up this morning I rethunk my decision and called Christy to say I wanted to give it a try at my own pace but no Mick. Then Mick rethunk and we both showed up to join Christy, Geoff, Wendy, Andy, Barb, Scotty, Susie and Henry - we had a party going! I was having trouble getting used to my new skinny, skinny skis and it was the first time for Mick so Scotty gave us a few pointers, Scotty the former Olympic skier and coach! Wowzer! Everyone was great helping Mick and skiing with me and my compromised body. We made it to the picnic table where we had an apple Galette Geoff made and chocolate. Prince Geoff also had a down jacket in his pack for the one shivering the loudest - That would be a me. Even tho the temperature was climbing, the wind was blowing and the sun was playing hide and seek. After our snackrest some of us returned to the center and others went for their real workout ski.

I'm sooooo fortunate to have made such wonderful friends here. The social time meant so much to me today and then you guys got your real workout. Only really good friends do that for each other. I was afraid those trails would be too hard for me but now I know they aren't at my own pace. I can't tell you how happy it makes me feel to be able to exercise as much as I have on this chemo.

Only very special friends do that! You guys are the best.

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