Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Moon Set

It has been a wonderful day. From the time Mick got me out of the bed to see this

to skiing ALL morning (I figured a run or two) and having a couple of aha moments, and finalizing a trip to Costa Rice for almost all our family in July. We are going to miss you Jacque - maybe for the weekend????

We thought the mountain would have lots of new snow since we got another foot yesterday but they got NOTHING. A very strange storm that was a little upslope, meaning it comes from the plains rather than the mountains, but Boulder didn't get near as much as we did. When this happens we get more than Eldora but never this much more with them getting nothing. I ate a great breakfast ( part of the program and took my anti nausea pill) then went out and played. Right off Diane lost one of her students and there are only two of us in the group, so I had two private instruction runs down Mule Shoe, one of the longer and steeper runs. Diane is such a great instructor for me and she helped my get to the next level for the moment. Now I have to remember what she had me do and practice. We finally found Pat again and had the rest of the morning with her.

I went in for a great lunch, do I do this program for the food or instructions??? and then decided it would be wise to go home. I have been very open with people over our meals about my treatment and how I'm doing. This opened the door with one of the advanced telliers who is a young breast cancer survivor. We have had some good conversation about what is happening and what she experienced. I think openness about this is really important. I am not doing it to boast or show how great I am to be out there but it gives me support but more importantly educates others on a topic that is so often shrouded in fear and isolation.

I have been working on having a vacation with all our children, spouses and off spring. I can't say it is on my bucket list but it is something I have been dreaming about for many years. I bounced around from shore to shore (must be near the ocean) and this week I finally centered on Costa Rica. This area will be totally new to all the kids and I found a reasonable rental so the additional air costs should balance things out. Ty, the almost high schooler, was the one whose schedule we had to work around - summer job, soccer tryouts, etc. We found the right time for him. Then Teague wants to trade some cooking for babysitting. Silly boy, he thinks he is actually going to see Alice in this week? So, so exciting.

I don't expect to continuing feeling this good as treatments go on but "make hay while the sun shines".

Now it is time for dinner and a LONG night's sleep. Tucker will be down during the night and fun with him tomorrow.


  1. Hey Marilyn! I think you might be interested in this audio video regarding cancer and iodine. :)Also, if you are open to alternative healing methods, let me know and I'll come work on you for free. Big hugs....Sheila

  2. Whoops! Here is the link, lol! :)~


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