Saturday, February 16, 2013


I expect to have reactions to chemo drugs but not to Zometa. It is a drug they give me to help my bones stay stronger. I had an infusion of it on Thursday and had gotten a hand out listing some potential side effects. Then I went home.

The going home was quite an adventure, too. There had been a light snow during the day so the roads were slick. I started up Bouder Canyon and got delayed for at least twenty minutes while a tow truck pulled a car out on the ditch (or was it the creek?). After that got cleared up I debated on going up Magnolia or up to Ned and around. It looked like they had sanded Magnolia so I went up. I got about 3/4 of the way up and that was it, she could make the third hairpin (her tap shoes have lost most of the taps and are on their last leg). So down I drove to Boulder Canyon and up to Nederland and back the flatter route to home. The route I should have taken from the start. It took me two hours to get home - normal time is 20 min.

Tucker came down that night so he could take me to the hospital in the morning to have my port put in. Mick was taking care of Ty and Carson so their parents could do a hut trip. We left early because the roads were still slippery but it only took ten minutes more to get down the hill. The surgery went smoothly, I had light sedation and was ready to go within an hour.

We went to Snarf's for lunch and then off to some errands. I started to get chilled at lunch and began shivering. by the time we got to the book store I was shivering, achy, sleepy and generally felt crappy. We came home and I went right to bed for a long nap. When I woke my temp had gotten to 101.8 so I called the Cancer Center. They are very concerned about infections and want to hear about any fevers. The Dr. who called me back said all that is a common reaction to the Zometa. Take some aspirin to bring the fever down. Well, I did sleep through the night but don't feel a whole lot better this morning. I just feel like I have been hit by a Mac truck. Yuck

OK, I went back to bed, slept for another 4 hours and am on my way to being human again. I sure don't want to go through that every month.

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