Monday, February 18, 2013

Me n My Shadow

Let's make life a bowl of cherries.

Not sure where I am going at the moment but I do want answers. Well, I do know where I am going in a few moments - skiing, but I am referring to my treatment plan.

Well, I guess all I had to do was start whining on my blog and the answer would appear! I was going to say, I need to know if the trial I am waiting to hear about is a first line treatment, meaning no chemo beforehand. I really don't want to sit here till "sometime this summer" to start treatment. I feel like this stuff is far too interested in growing in my body to just sit around and wait.

I no sooner started to write that and an email response appeared from Dr. Bunn. The trial is NOT first line so I can go ahead with the chemo. Would you ever think someone could be so anxious to put more poison into her body? This stuff really scares (cancer and chemo, both) me and I want to do something - now!

My body and I have been having some good conversations about helping it get stronger. It wants me to take it for a walk (at least) every day (hummm, does that mean I should go out and get a fancy collar I can attach a leash to and take me out? I've seen dogs walking themselves with their leash in their mouths.), meditating will often be our conversations, eating well (if I can), and I have had to apologize for poisoning it again but since it hasn't been able to defend itself alone.... It feels strange talking to my body as if it was separate, we know it isn't but it gives me the sense that we are a team working together.

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