Monday, February 11, 2013

The Easel Works!

Well, how can I be in a funk. Things just keep falling into place. My appointment with my surgeon got cancelled today so I got to paint. The first full painting I have done on the new easel. What fun. I'm real  pleased with the painting. Started another but I should have quit while I was ahead on that one. I love acrylics because I can go back and cover up what doesn't work.

There seemed to be a problem scheduling my port instillation today. The only day open was Friday - this or next. I had an appointment with my dentist on Friday and had been waiting a long time for it. I have to see him before this starts because there is a chance of getting necrosis in my jaw with the bone strengthening (really?) drugs I will be on and I really didn't want to cancel or wait another week. About noon, the dentist's office called to see if I would be interested in a cancellation tomorrow - you bet! OK port in on this Friday.

The next issue was transportation on Friday. Mick was going to be taking care of the boys for a couple days and I could drive down but wouldn't trust myself to drive home. Maybe I could get a friend to drive me. Next thing I know, Tucker texts to say he has Friday and Saturday off, would I like company? Wow, someone to drive me and hold my hand in pre-op.

Add all this to Dr. Bunn having a cancellation this week and I won't have to wait till the end of the month to see him and since Mick will be in Summit County (second pair of ears) I asked my nephew if he could take a couple hours off work and come with me. YES! He wants to be involved with my journey since he was too far away to be an assist for his mom.

Thanks so much for being a part of this journey and next time I might call on you. So my week is falling into place and chemo will start next week - get this show on the road. The gods are behind us!


  1. True karma. No one deserves more of it! Love seeing the friends bucket fillingso fortuitously. Looking forward to it being my turn.

  2. We miss you! Happy to see all these things fall in to place. And I am sending a dose of Alice to you with this message. xo


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