Monday, February 25, 2013

Snow Smoke - Not

I went for a walk this afternoon before I started this post. I sat down to do it and exhaustion hit hard so a rest was what I needed more than anything. On with the story.

After we have a snow, the wind usually kicks up and blows the it around and I call it snow smoke. That is what I thought I was looking at when I made this picture but when it lasted all morning in only that spot, I got a bit concerned. I called 911 and it turns out it was a controlled burn after a big snow, yes, we got about a foot. Things are so dry and dangerous here. People have been mitigating and burning their slash whenever they can, so I think one of our neighbors was busy.

Our home offers such a vista of the area I sometimes feel like I'm in a fire tower. This is the second time I've called and rather than feeling like a pest I get the feeling these calls are appreciated. This summer when we were concerned, the fire crew sent Emmit (a friend's son) over to confirm what we were looking at and that it wasn't a danger. These fighters work so hard and it scares me to think of all they will have to do this summer keeping us as safe as possible after another dry season.

Think snow, lots of it.

1 comment:

  1. Calling the fire department when you see smoke is like calling the poison control center when your kid gets into the cleaning supplies--absolutely critical. And they do want to know. Good for you, Mar!

    We called them "snow devils," like the dust devils in the desert--mini tornados that dance around in chaos theory. Are they the same as "snow smoke"?

    What a glorious place you have to rest!


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