Thursday, December 13, 2012


Well the lesson of the week is to be nicer to my body.

I want to be well and tend to push (a bit too much?) now that I am "better" but I have to remember how much this old bod has been through in the past year. The accident (broken bones, pneumothorax, concussion), three surgeries, chemo (that messes with every last cell in the body) and radiation (a major mess with upper chest). I need to be patient and allow everything inside to knit together, very delicate work, to remember what each and every job is and how to perform them as a unit. I think I am going to get a lot from my therapist. She too, has had cancer and understands so much of it first hand. She uses some different modalities which I have to trust but yesterday's session went very well. To add to the "be nice to yourself" mentality I had a great massage today and am going to do nothing else today! So there!

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