Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Playground

Here are some photos of my new playground.

A few weeks ago I bumped into a friend at the Y who I knew was a rock climber. I asked her if she ever went to the rock gym across the street and she did - at least twice a week. We have started meeting there and she is giving me some great lessons (before she leaves for CA for the winter). I want to be able to play with Jay, Carrie, Ty and Carson (and Tucker if he wants to get back to it) next summer when they go climbing with their friends. I know it is VERY different to climb on rock than in the gym but this is a great way to learn and practice in the winter.

 Beth is making her way around this protrusion. She has been climbing for 15 years and has a few moves on me!

 Here I am trying the red route - yet again. I have made it about 3/4 of the way but my hands give out, or is it my gumption that gives out.
I will master this route!


  1. It's probably both Mum but they'll both get stronger the more you ask them too.

  2. Cannot wait to get you out with us!

  3. hot damn, you never fail to impress me.

  4. You lost me on rock climbing years ago when you explained how one had to grab for the next rock AND leave the comfort of the last at the same time....Humpty Dumpty had nothing on me! You go, girl. And inspire us all.


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