Friday, May 18, 2012

Last One (on drugs)

Wanted to write my blog last during my infusion but I took a nap so I I will only do my first sentence here/.

I just looked at that and saw my erroes. I think I'll continue and not correct things today-let's see how mesased up mu head really is. WOW. Hope you'll be able to understand.

I had a big melt down earlier in the week when my hair got serious about falling out. I knew it would and thouyght I was OK with it but guess I really wasn't. After I got over it I decided to show it off now.I'll only wear hats andscarfs when I want. No body who has seenme has fallen over dead so I guess it is OK. I was approached by andoth cabncer survivor in Whole Foods last week when she said, "I recognise thaT HAIR style" and we talked about the hair issue. She is on her second round of fighting an agressive form on breast cancer and a lot younger than i am - so sad. I was getting into the car after my treatment today and she had just arrived for her radiation treatment. She took my enail and I hope we can stay in contact. I look forward to a  new friend and I vowed to talk to others I see with these cancer signs. Gotta be careful, too. I might be like asking someone when they are due and they aren't bregnant.

We had a fun date yesterday in Denver. I had planned to go tear Ted Waddell speak at the Denver Art Museum, but when I got up i didn't feel like going at all. Mick said he'd drive my but that didn't motivate me. I then admitted to myself that I was deptessed and sitting home moping just wasn't going to be helpful, so we went to Denver. Ted has a show opening tonight with semi abstract landscapes with cows - most of them in the snow. We was an enjoyable speaker and I loved looning a a broader scope of his work. We then went hpstairs to have a preview of the show. Interesting work and got me thinking about playing more. I haop I am motivated to paint quicker than I will be able to exercise.

OK my friends, hope you can understand this post - sure has a tun moreeerors than usual :-}.

my cows in the summer.

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