Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Future

I'm flying high today. I realize there was a dark cloud over me all this time, anticipating treatments coming up and now…. I actually entered events in my calendar that weren't doctor's appointments. I have a future again. I hadn't realized how much I had put my life on hold.

My head is fuzzy, not wonky, and the neuropathy is getting worse so far. I don't anticipate the week being fun but you'll never know. If it gets bad I'll just pull my hair out - literally. Look, I can type again, too. I've had very few misspellings to correct.

I have also been going out without a head covering sometimes. It is liberating and I'm making a statement. I was also told "It's Boulder and people will think you're a Buddhist".

I dropped off my art for the show in Central City yesterday.The fellow who took my work in is the art teacher in town. He took one look at Settler's Rock and asked me if I would be interested in participating in an assignment some of his student's are taking on. They will start a painting and then mail it to another artist who adds to it and then sends it to another artist who does the same and mails it back to the student. It sounds like a fun collaborative to me.

Settler's Rock

1 comment:

  1. That is really a neat art project. It sounds like TONS of fun!
    I am glad that you have finally reached the end of your treatments. I know it has been long and taxing for you. The side effects may take a little while to wear off, but they WILL WEAR OFF!
    Lots of love,


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