Thursday, May 10, 2012

Coming Back

It was going to be a simple dinner for a couple friends. Friends  - my son Tucker and his dad Paul. Then we needed our nephew and his family to come up and see Paul while he was visiting Colorado. We had decided a simple dinner would be better than going our and Paul could see where we were living, now. I guess I kept it as simple as I can do (a personal problem) and everyone loved the pot roast with gravy and mashed potatoes along with salad, beets and sauteed mixed greens. Topped it off with hot fudge (home made fudge sauce) sundaes with cherries and whipped cream. I can eat anything now so I have to share all the good/bad stuff. burp....

The company was fun. Paul hasn't seen where I have lived since I sold our house in Spencer over 20 years ago and he has never been to Colorado. He can see what drew us here and said he will go back seeing the east in a very different way. It's great to renew our friendship - it started with Alice's birth and I hope it continues. I had forgotten about his height issues when Tucker brought him up Magnolia. Poor guy wasn't driving back down it so he went by way of Ned and down Boulder Canyon another wonderful route.

It's always great to see Tucker but it doesn't happen enough. Wish he'd get his truck fixed so he could come for more visits. The same holds true for Adam, Kate and Ellie. So close but we just don't get together unless there is an event or Adam's parents, Chris and Bobby, are visiting. Ellie is getting more and more fun to be around. Can't believe she is four already. Sorry I was too busy in the kitchen to get the camera out but I'll find and old Ellie picture to this post. She is right there with my grandchildren shrine that is helping me keep a good attitude getting through my treatments!

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