Sunday, April 8, 2012

This Diet Didn't Work

This has been a very long stretch. I wasn't able to eat much at all (5-800 K Cal. a day and didn't lose any weight) for over two weeks. My burned esophagus is healing and I am able to eat bits more as time goes on. My oncologist (Jenny) said I'm not ready to have chemo yet and we are going to talk again in two weeks. My trip to Ignacio really wore me out and I am needing more time to gain strength so they can poison me again.

I was also hit over the head with my reality during my ride to see Jenny on Friday. I am a master of denial and the reality that I have cancer never quite sunk in till I started thinking about my family. I watched my mom and my sister live the long, slow death from cancer and it dawned on me that it may well be my fate, too. I so don't want to die that way. I told the doctor I want to get better and back on my bike, to get hit by a car. She understood. I guess I'm coming out of that invincible thinking and my death is a real possibility, now. I'm so slow to catch on.

This doesn't mean I'm giving up. Not by a long shot. We are being very aggressive with treatments and I have faith it is going to work but I am admitting I will die someday. Meantime, Mick has shaved my head (who is that in the mirror!) and I am looking into some yoga classes to get me through the rest of this journey. I've lost SO much muscle but I think I can do a gentle class till I can start seriously training again.

The young folks in my life are carrying me on this journey and I will be able to enjoy them on the other side.


  1. I am so glad to hear that you won't be getting chemo for at least 2 more weeks. You really exhausted yourself in Ignacio, as if the chemo hadn't already done that for you! I hope that you are resting and eating and resting and eating and eating and resting . . . I guess you get the message, huh?
    Love you! It was great to see all of you last week. I wish the circumstances had been different, but that is the way it happens.
    Take care so you can get out to see little Alice!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your expressions of your reality and spirit are so beautifully written, M.
    Such a gift.
    Love the pictures of your sister. R.I.P.
    Glad you get a bit of time to recover and rest.
    Hope you can enjoy the Yoga!
    Love you.

  4. Marilyn, I just heard via Barb Truell about you and the battle you're waging. I think of you every time I cross Elm Street. LSS is now located in funky fun offices in Worcester, in the Central Supply bldg. I am about to retire -- I have been blessed by love in the person of a retired chem prof, a widower, and we're looking forward to more time together when I get our of this rat race. Your story reminds me of how fleeting and unpredictable this journey of our lives is. I am in tears as I write this. I think of you with great warmth and humor and affection. Blessings on you -- body and soul! Marty Mann


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