Thursday, August 8, 2013

Our Kids

Here is my family had great fun together. It's been 12 years since we have all been together and we have some additions since then.

Tucker keeping the bar warm.
Tanner, umbrella when you have a wet bathing suit on???
Meags and Tucker in some serious pre dinner conversation.

OMG, Teague fed us so well.

Tuck, better wear a shirt when you sleep in the hammock next time.
I do have some wonderful females to keep me company now - Meagan, Alice,  Mama and Carrie.
Jay, are you about to spit that wine out?

Such a class act.

The only way to drink coconut water.

Nuf said.

Everyone helped out on the nature walk.

The mountain Micks and nobody is looking goofy.

Teague, you'd better take some smile lessons from your daughter before September 8.

Yep, they're brothers.

Better Teague, but I think you need more lessons.

Hold them together, Ty.

Photo bomb with your classy shot, Carson.
Oh, so much testosterone and one of them is missing!

1 comment:

  1. seems like the crazy faces were the theme?! Or...maybe we're just a bunch or whack a doodles, crazies, goof balls...either way, we enjoyed each others company and enjoyed this trip more than anything. I loved having us all together! xoxo


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