Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Got to Hike Today!!!!

What a fun morning. My hiking buddies had a great idea to have a brunch followed by an easy hike for those of us who can no longer do what we once did and the tough strong women may still be out there for all I know! It was so great to get out into the woods AND have this time again with my friends.

The breakfast was wonderful - we can cook well along with hike. Come and meet some of my friends.

Christy, just what is so interesting?

Molly and Andrea are loving Andrea's fresh roasted coffee and biding their time till "food time".

Marilyn and Louise are having fun while Molly and Rosa are being oh so serious.


Diane, is that seconds or thirds?

Betsy brought us all these wonderful sunflowers - full size. They were cooling their heels in the stream till it was time to go home with everyone.

Rosa and Christy are deep in conversation.

Marilyn, it looks like your talking too much, Molly's food s almost gone. 
Louise, happy to be in the Colorado sun after a year in Denmark and our champion snowshoer Andrea are being entertained.

My hero Effie is just chowing down.

Sandy, Susie, Lexie and Diane enjoying each other. I'm not sure whose hand is on the right.

Are Wendy and Louise putting Betsy to sleep?

There was plenty for 5 or 6 helpings. Molly?

Down the path to the dining room. It felt like we were camping out!

Loverly hiking dress Betsy.

Effie and Marilyn (mother daughter) and Betsy and Lucy (also mother and daughter)

Lucy leading us back.
And I went home for a nap but it was soooo worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Have never been a blogger but Mar you are special. I loved seeing it all again :) So glad you could make it! luv Lex


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