Saturday, August 3, 2013

I'm Back

Well, the computer couldn't handle the humidity I guess. It died after the last post and after 24 hours in dry CO it has revived. The humidity was just amazing and my hair loved it. Hasn't been that curly in years.

It was so much easier to post as we went along but I will try to continue where I left off. These were our day leaving Monteverde and going to Tortuguero.

The sun came out on the day we left Monteverde!

A home we passed every day when we left our hotel. I love the simplicity and textures.

A man leaving a "Nike store" on the side of the road in San Jose.
 Shortly after we passed this scene we also passed a barrio. I had read about them and have seen pictures but it is another thing to actually see them. I think most of the people we met were happy with their lives even tho many would say there were living in poverty and should have more. The barrio was a scene that even I thought they should have a better life. Unfortunately I was navigating and couldn't get my camera out in time.

Blue bags on the banana trees.
 These are not to be confused with the blue bags we carried on MT. Rainier (we carried out poop out in those). Our friend, Jeff Hoyle's dad, invented the precursor of these for the protection and harvesting of the bananas. They take their bananas very seriously here. We were a bit lost and asked two policemen on motorcycles for directions and one had a semi-automatic. We realized after that they were guards for the plantation.

It's those two again!

1 comment:

  1. Great new pictures! I've been waiting for them. The river boat and the banana plantation looks just like what we saw. Sounds like you had a fantastic trip.


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