Friday, July 19, 2013

CR Day 2,The Canopy Walk

We did get a view of the ocean and the Nicoya Peninsula. This was from our room.

I have wanted to do a canopy walk ever since i first read about them and I finally had my chance today in Monteverde. The camera does it no justice but we walked for 2 hours (the mont I've done in many months) on a series of paths and bridges. It was cold and cloudy so we didn't see much for animals (they aren't stupid) but the flora was amazing.

Just who are those guys?

The bridges were long and high.

I don't know the name of this plant but this was a dead leaf on the ground and shortly after we saw the plant with new leaves coming out.
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These aren't little plants but the tops of trees.

Didn't see any but there must be hungry bugs around.

This was one mother of a fiddlehead and then we realized it was the beginning of a fern tree.

This is a fern tree. Look at the trunk and the fiddleheads in the center.

A cluster of fur trees (fur trees, moss all over them, get it?)

We also shared the forest with zip liners.

Mick is standing by one of the zip line cables.


  1. This place looks gorgeous. It is a much better part of CR than Joe and I saw. We were on the Caribbean side. Have fun!

  2. Are you going for the zip line tour too?

    1. No Zip Bob. Others in the family did and loved it. I would but I am more cautious of my spine these days and didn't want to risk anything :~{.


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