Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hendrick's Mine

OK, I finally publicly admitted I am a senior. The Nederland Senior Group has lunches every Monday and Wednesday. Altho the menus sounds good and some of the presentations are of interest I hadn't been able to admit I'm a "senior" and be a part of this group except on the mailing list. Yesterday, they finally lured me there. The afternoon was a presentation and tour of Tom Hendrick's active mining operation. The lunch was yummy, company interesting and presentation/tour fascinating. I guess it isn't too bad to admit your age for these benefits.

The group of 30 arriving at the mine site.

Tom telling us about the history of the area and his history in mining.

Tom's sidekick is greedy for attention.

So much geology is involved. I now see a reason for the Schools of Mines.

Do we look like pros?

These pictures aren't great - lighting wasn't too good! This is one of the cars that takes the ore out of the mine to be processed

We went 140 feet down and 900 feet into the mountain.

The emergency exit.

Pointing out a vein and telling us about the size of this one.

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