Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Brushes Got Wet

After 10 1/2 hours of sleep last night, I got up ready to paint. The composition came to me while meditating yesterday. I'm bushed now but it sure felt good! Let me know what your think - honest comments only, no platitudes! This is a totally different subject matter and style for me.

BTW, the painting on my masthead has sold to our great friends Bob and Sylvia in OR. I guess I will be thinking of a change again!


  1. I love the sunflower! I really admire how freely you apply the colors. Is it watercolors and pastels?

    Congrats to Bob and Sylvia, you made a wise, insightful purchase. The masthead has always reminded me of Roger Dean's work. (He did album covers for "Yes") He used oil based and water based paints and let them mix to create alien looking landscapes.

    - Joseph W. Pinaud

  2. First of all, congrats on the sale of your masthead!
    The color & comp in both are very appealing. Your painterly style appears so free yet I'm sure it is well thought out. The use of the blues and the black accents in your second work remind me of the abstract expressionist work of Abraham Rattner.
    Keep Painting!
    M A

  3. Love the sunflower. That is a style of painting that I really enjoy.

  4. Your masthead looks great on the featured wall of our living room! Thank you for parting with such a lovely piece! We love it and treasure it.
    Now for the platitudeless comments on your sunflower. First impression - Wow that is cool! When the mind kicks in, the end of season sensibilities set in as the last petals of the sunflower prepare to fall and the purples and blues alert to the impending winters arrival on the horizon. The vertical format has active balance of light and dark that keeps the eye moving which is fun. The fading leaves of the detail did not capture my interest quite like the blossom. Still all a really nice piece. Glad to hear that you are working in your studio again! - You Go Girl!
    The third image you posted is less moving for me. I enjoy the use of blues here as well. Initially I thought the yellow was overdone but as I looked more it helped to pull the eye into the subtler details.
    Can't wait to see how you develop this new style - So please keep getting down to your studio and painting and posting!!

  5. Your masthead looks great on the featured wall of our living room! Thank you for parting with such a lovely piece! We love it and treasure it.
    Now for the platitudeless comments on your sunflower. First impression - Wow that is cool! When the mind kicks in, the end of season sensibilities set in as the last petals of the sunflower prepare to fall and the purples and blues alert to the impending winters arrival on the horizon. The vertical format has active balance of light and dark that keeps the eye moving which is fun. The fading leaves of the detail did not capture my interest quite like the blossom. Still all a really nice piece. Glad to hear that you are working in your studio again! - You Go Girl!
    The third image you posted is less moving for me. I enjoy the use of blues here as well. Initially I thought the yellow was overdone but as I looked more it helped to pull the eye into the subtler details.
    Can't wait to see how you develop this new style - So please keep getting down to your studio and painting and posting!!


Love to hear what you think about my blogs.