Friday, July 12, 2013


I'm sorry I fell off the wagon again and haven't been writing my blog. Not sure why - things have been going great and I feel bad so many of you have been worried. Energy is low along with motivation. Seems like there have been a lot of "to dos" that have been sucking the little energy I have right out of me. Don't get me wrong - they are good to dos. I have had three shows to prepare art for and deliver - two in the Denver area. Wedding invitations to make. Costa Rica to plan for.

We also lost a week when we went back to upstate NY for Mick's mom's funeral. The travel and visiting was exhausting and it has taken a while to recover from that. There have been many stories to share along the way but as I said - no motivation. They would start to form in my pea brain but never made it out my fingers to you.

I have had nothing but good news as far as my cancer goes. Both my last PT scan and my brain MRI showed no cancer activity. I am now on a maintenance drug called Avastin. It is one of the drugs I was getting in the mix for my last chemo. We cut down to one to get some quality of live back for me. As Jenny said, I left a much higher quality that a person who just wants to get to their weekly bridge game. I did feel a couple weeks ago that I might get on my bike again, a very novel and appealing thought.

We have had more local fires but the firefighter have been great at jumping right on them. There was lots of lightening last night with little rain which is a bad combo. I have always loved watching lightening, but now that I realize this is how so many of these fires start, it is much scarier.

We did get out an play with our architect and contractor friends Wednesday night. We went out to dinner and then to Bands on the Bricks, in Boulder. We had a good Italian dinner at PastaVino (a restaurant owned by the husband of my oncology nurse Jessica) and then walked down Pearl Street, with mobs of people, to listen to an 80's band and see the sights. Check out the pictures below.

A mime on Pearl Street.
Folks in the "beer cage".
Laurie and Davide along with a friend.

My favorite mime. He CAN talk and was pleased to hear I thought he was a good as  the ones we saw in Florence at the Uffizi.

I will try to post some while we are in Costa Rica. Two weeks of fun, adventure and family!!!!

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