Friday, June 14, 2013

Some beautiful clouds from yesterday. Gave us some thunder and probably some lightening but I was watching that to the south, but no rain.

This is a link to another blog from a wonderful writer. I have asked permission to put this link here but haven't given Susan a chance to answer (I sure hope she is flattered and doesn't say no). I learned about her from a Denver friend who knew Susan when she lived in Portland. She though we'd be a good match since we are close in age, are members of the cancer club and love gardening . Thanks Laurie, you are so right. Check her out, she has some great things to say.

For those who are wondering and I haven't emailed, The fires aren't near us but coming close to friends who brought their dogs and horses up here for safety. Some one up there isn't happy with the Colorado Springs area. We have been lucky we got all that snow in the spring but we still can't get complacent.

1 comment:

  1. Just checking in, Marilyn, and want to be the first to wish you all good things in celebration of your natal day! with love,


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