Friday, March 8, 2013

The Eyes Have It

It looks normal to me but this little eye just failed the visual field test. I actually have blind spots in it! GLAUCOMA It has been known for years that my optic nerve was irregular and I have been on a watch but I always thought it was a genetic defect and would never develop into anything else. Wrong.

When I was young I would play this head game of "Would I rather go blind or deaf" and deaf always won. I thought it would be too scary not to see what was around me (like all those bad people out to hurt me) or the beauty of the world then it became more about doing and seeing my art. Yup, I'd much rather lose my hearing than my sight.

Guess what - we don't get a choice. If we are lucky neither becomes an issue but if we aren't so fortunate we don't have a choice as to what goes wrong, we deal with the new hand of cards. I see a specialist on Tuesday to have a final confirmation and treatments. For now I have drops to put in my eyes every evening.

As my mom used to say, getting old (of course, I'm not really old yet) sucks (not quite her word) you get one broken part fixed and another falls apart!

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