Thursday, March 14, 2013

Last Day???

Self Portrait on Snow

I am so happy  I was able to finish the women's ski program yesterday. I was nervous it would become too much but I did it. I have only been able to ski till lunch since my first chemo but I have gotten so much out of it. Diane is a fantastic instructor (and neighbor and friend) and with her help I have been able to take my tele skiing to a new level and all I have to do now is hear her voice telling me what to do as I practice.

Second round of chemo in a few hours so I'm unsure when I'll be able to get on the snow again. I am feeling really resistant to chemo this time. I will be getting the Zometa (bone drug that I had a reaction to last time) in this infusion today and hope it is more gentle. I have been seriously napping the past few days and don't expect the chemo today to improve my energy level. A quick eye update, too. I saw the ophthalmologist Tuesday and it has been confirmed - I do have glaucoma. The drops he gave me last week lowered the pressure in my eyes (even tho it was in the normal range) and he was very happy with that. The plan now is to continue with the drops and have another visual field test next month.

Our neighbor Tory, hosted a great pot-luck dinner last night for the neighbors. It was such a treat to see everyone in the winter and to be so social this week. Food and company was great. There were people we knew well and some not so well, but better now. Learning more about the area and folks who do/did live here is always a pleasure. On the crappy side we learned that two of our neighbors are being tested for cancer. One leukemia and one for thyroid. When you look at the number of people living in a 3 mile radius - three have cancer and the fourth possibly - it feels like a huge percentage. Is this disease becoming rampant?

I plan to approach this infusion a little differently today. I want to have a conversation with each of the infusion bags (I will say more on this another time) and meditate as they are entering my body. I bit more active involvement in the process.

Well, here we go again!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Marilyn, am thrilled to read that you have been out on the slopes for your tele class. Thank you for sharing


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