Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Sorry for the quality of the pictures from the car but we were getting our sorry asses out of there and I had just forgotten to take blog pictures before that point. What else was on my mind?

The visit to Dana-Farber went well. The physician I met with Dr. Bruce Johnson is about to publish a paper on gene therapy with Dr. Bunn.  I met with him last year in Denver last year for a second opinion. Out of 22 lung cancer specialists at The Farber - what are the chances I would end up with a connection like that.

He made things sound less bleak than I was hearing after the mets developed in my spine. He feels I should go ahead with the chemo in Boulder and then go into Denver for some targeted gene (HER2) treatments. There is a trial going on there that recently started. There is also one opening in June (I think) for immune enhancement for non-small cell adenocarcenoma - just what I have. I am excited that I may be eligible for each of these trials and he feels the targeted therapy can add a year on to my life. He also said the treatment I had before was as tough as it gets for my cancer so now I know I can handle whatever they throw at me!

A friend who is also going through stage 4 lung cancer treatment just said "It sucks" and I guess it does but I'm not feeling that right now. Maybe I am past that response (at the moment) because I feel like I had been given a year or two to live and now it feels like I can go longer with a decent quality of life and also help with the trials to help others down the road so they won't need the primitive chemo that we are given now. I really hope I can partake in these trials. It is also very exciting to see the progress in the past year. When I had my genetic testing done a year ago there weren't any drugs for my HER2 gene and now there are. Thank you research.


  1. All these Feb Blogs have me in tears. Wonderfilled tears. This one's my fave--and it's wicked hard to beat Alice pics!

  2. Very good indeed! This sounds very hopeful and I love that! I hope that you remembered to give sweet Alice some love and kisses and hugs from me! I am very glad that both of your sons have been able to accompany you on visits this time. It helps to have other sets of ears and it also helps for them to hear the doctors! Thanks so much for the updates. Love you!!!!!!!!!


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